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Acorn Stairlifts USA Blog

Stay up to date with the latest stairlift news, lifestyle tips and health advice.
Arthritis and yoga

Arthritis and yoga

12:00am Jun 14, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

It is said that yoga has many benefits, especially for those with arthritis. Yoga can ease certain pains in your joints and help boosts your overall flexibility, but a recent study has shown that almost 11% of people doing yoga are doing it wrong, causing them to experience some pain when they shouldn’t. Here are some quick tips to help you stay safe while doing yoga.

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Summertime and diabetes

Summertime and diabetes

12:00am Jun 13, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Summer is approaching and now that winter will be officially over, plans to be out in the sun will be in place. Summertime can call for treats we might not usually indulge in, more physical activities than we had in the winter and summer vacations. But what does that mean or those with diabetes? According to, the warm weather is the perfect time to pay close attention to your diabetes.

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Senior Safety Tip No. 1: Home Safety

Senior Safety Tip No. 1: Home Safety

12:00am Jun 05, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

As we age, the potential of falling increases and being aware of potential dangers in and out of the home means you can better prepare for any emergencies that may occur. June is National Safety Month and for the entire month of June we will be sharing tips on how to keep you and your loved ones safe in and outside of the home. Today’s tip involves the safety of you and your stairs.

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5 Arthritis-friendly tips for taking photos

5 Arthritis-friendly tips for taking photos

12:00am May 31, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Having arthritis can make life more challenging due to the aches and pains from the arthritis and the lack of ability to do the things that were once easy to do — especially if what you love to do involves your hands, like photography. partnered with Wendy Sacks, a fine art photographer who has both arthritis and gout, to share 5 arthritis-friendly ways to keep taking photos even while suffering from arthritis.

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