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Why It’s Time to Start to Prioritize Aging in Place

12:00am & Tips and Advice

As we age, we would prefer to age in place, we would love to stay in the comfort of our homes. Like most seniors contemplate aging in place, this idea is often researched and discussed within that community. Let’s discuss the importance of aging in place.


As we age, most of us would prefer to age in place, we would love to stay in the comfort of our homes where we have shared many fond memories. However, many seniors avoid this choice due to feeling unsafe, unsupported, or lonely in their homes. Like most seniors contemplate aging in place, this idea is often researched and discussed within that community. Many questions are challenged like will I be able to remain at home, or will circumstances force me to move into a senior residence? We have compiled a list of a few solutions you and your loved ones can take to retain to get almost any type of help you want in your home. Let’s take a look below to discuss the importance of aging in place.


Obviously, just like with everything in life, there is no one-size-fits-all roadmap when it comes to aging. Many seniors who fail to plan accordingly can prohibit themselves from remaining successful in their home and receiving the support they need. Nowadays, a major concern to seniors is losing a certain amount of control once they leave their home. This "control" provides the underpinning to their values, quality of life, and independence. The aging process can be challenging for many seniors trying to figure out what’s best for their later years. The concerns that cloud their judgment are easily detected when they cannot address the difficulties to continue their independence at home.


Health care. Do you often forget to take your medicine? Well, there are devices or apps available to remind you when it is time for your dosage. Better yet, do you happen to have mobility issues that prohibit you from moving between the levels of your home? It’s normal for us to worry about supporting ourselves as the golden years' approach, but with mobility aids in the home, health and wellness issues can be far more manageable. Purchasing a stairlift is often highly beneficial for people who have significantly reduced mobility or a disability. Not only does it make it that much easier to navigate through a multi-level home. Still, for so many reasons, buying a stairlift can be an overwhelming process if the support is not there from the beginning. Unlike other stairlift companies, we here at Acorn Stairlifts take pride in providing so many of our customers the opportunity to reclaim their independence at home.


Household chores.  As the years have passed, maybe you’ve come to the realization that you need more assistant with chores. For instance, tedious tasks like house cleaning, yard work, or grocery shopping for your home. Did you know many grocery stores and drug stores offer online capabilities to place and deliver your orders to you? While many of us all may still be restricted to our homes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Researching and hiring trusted services to help us through this time should be taken into consideration.


Meals. If you are a senior you may find it challenging meal prepping, but it gives you peace of mind that you will get enough nutrients.  Maybe it’s hard for you to get out? Or maybe it's challenging to ask someone to bring you a healthy meal a few times a week?  This can present the daunting task to have friends and family for a short period of time. However, there are meal delivery programs that can provide hot meals to your home if you don’t have family nearby.


Regardless of whether you or your loved one has retired recently or is currently in the stage to start prepping, planning to age in place is important. It's the best way to ensure their quality of life, without feeling like a burden to their family or community. It also will help you provide the level of care that is right for them, and show your respect to them by ensuring their needs are met. Having a plan in place will not only help you deal with issues you will encounter down the road. Yet, it may add comfort to some of the burdens your loved ones may experience. Imagine how much help you will provide just by working with them to ensure their needs are met and wishes are respected.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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