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Become a Master in Positive Aging: 5 Tips

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Many aging experts express it is very important how you focus on the passing of your years. Honing in on the best aspects of your life has a lot to do with your happiness and health later in life. By understanding and practicing positive aging, it can really assist older adults to enjoy their golden years. Check out our 5 tips seniors can use for positive aging.  


In the past year, it seemed to be a lot of negativity transpiring in today’s world. Whether it’s dealing with the recent worldwide pandemic, natural disasters, economic issues, etc. In return, it truly reminds us of how fragile life really is. And while we can’t change what happens in the world, we do have control over our reactions to events. Did you know most aspects of the aging process are well within a senior’s control? Yet you or the special senior in your life can make it a priority to achieve healthy aging despite living with ailments and other age-related issues. Getting older might not be something we all look forward to, but aging is a reality we all must face one day. Many aging experts express it is very important how you focus on the passing of your years. Honing in on the best aspects of your life has a lot to do with your happiness and health later in life. By understanding and practicing positive aging, it can really assist older adults to enjoy their golden years. Check out our 5 tips seniors can use for positive aging.   


What is Positive Aging?   

This is an interesting question. Worldwide cultures do not define it the same way. Many cultures who hold their elders to a higher standard tend to look to them for wisdom and guidance. These cultures do not see their elders as a burden or hindrance. They respect them. However, there are many cultures that value youth/ physical appearance over wisdom that comes with aging. Oftentimes, it is those in this group who choose to fight to age. Aging is inevitable. A positive attitude is believed to help protect us against the common stressors and negative experiences that occur with age. We all know this to be true, but as you continue reading, you will learn how people apply these tips to adjust to their aging process.  


Senior community enjoys exercise program to help stay activeFind a Purpose-   

One possibility to encourage positive aging is allowing your elders to have something to look forward to each day. Encourage your loved one to find his or her purpose. Whether that is starting a company, achieving a specific weight goal, or joining an organization to work on causes that are dear to his or her heart. By focusing on significant goals it can provide a purpose that encourages you or your elderly loved ones to keep pushing forward.   


Learn Something New-   

Positive aging also pertains to intellectual activity. Despite you or your loved one’s age, they can always continue to learn new things. Ultimately, pushing themselves out of their comfort zone could boost brain cell growth and keep the mind stimulated. Try to suggest meaningful tasks to work on, such as taking a foreign language class or learning how to be more proficient with technology. If your older adult has good mobility, activities like volunteering, and tutoring. Also, travel is a great way to stimulate the mind and increase social interaction.  


Use Positive Affirmations-   

Did you know mornings are the most crucial time of day to work on creating a positive attitude, as it can set the tone for the entire day? If you or your loved one make it a goal to up early enough, it can better prepare you for your day. When you start your day with gratitude, you have wired your brain to notice the good in your life. Negative thoughts could turn into stressful situations and prevent healthy aging. Yet, using positive phrases and words, such as “I would be happy to” or “That’s fantastic,” could enhance your loved one’s mood.   


Stay Active-   

Not only staying active provides you physical health benefits but the mental health aspect of exercising is nearly endless. Try to incorporate some form of exercise at least three per week, this alone can increase the production of endorphins in the body. This acts as a stress reliever and leaves you feeling happy and satisfied. Any exercise that allows seniors to move naturally is typically the best type of exercise for healthy aging. For example, taking up fun activities such as gardening and dancing can help you or your loved ones. As a result, your loved one is doing things that add excitement to his or her life, while it feels natural to them.  



Help Others-   

The recent events of Covid-19, it has put a damper on contributing to our community and helping those in need. However, there are plenty of volunteer and action opportunities, it is more virtual opportunities to take action posted online. Volunteering and showing random acts of kindness can contribute to positive aging. Providing words of wisdom, offering financial aid, may your you or loved ones enhance mental and emotional wellbeing. Compassion increases happy emotions in the golden years, which is why your parent should try to help others more often. 

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We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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