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How to Easily Build a Happy Retirement with These 5 Tips

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Retirement is an ideal time for self-reflection. Life can tend to be hectic for our younger years of your life. Our energy is usually consumed by our professional life and home, with little time to know ourselves truly. Below, we discuss a few reasons why seniors need to know themselves and figure out their happiness during retirement. 


Retirement is an ideal time for self-reflection. Life can tend to be hectic for our younger years of your life. Our energy is usually consumed by our professional life and home, with little time to know ourselves truly. Now the time has come to retire, and unfortunately, many older adults are unsure of what to do with their free time. Also, how to use it to create a focused and exciting retirement. As this time approaches, it’s important to understand oneself better. There are many options, such as staying in your home, but that would entail dealing with the continued maintenance costs and tasks. Another option is to sell your house and plan to travel, yet it may not have the same comfort or convenience of home. Your kids may be welcoming and ask you to move into their homes, but you value your independence and don’t want to become a burden to them. Below, we discuss a few reasons seniors need to get to know themselves and figure out their happiness before retirement.  

Tip No. 1: Money isn't everything  

You don't necessarily need to have an immense amount of wealth to be happy in retirement. You need enough. What's enough? Many people think they want the same income in retirement as they have when they are working. But that's not realistic; not only will you no longer be commuting to work and paying payroll taxes toward Social Security and Medicare. But you also won't be shoveling a chunk of every paycheck into a retirement account. Most planners say that 80 to 85 percent of your pre-retirement income is plenty. To have enough money in retirement, you have to make sure your budget can sustain your current lifestyle. Don’t be confused that happiness only encompasses fabulous vacations, golfing memberships, and shopping sprees. Walking your dog, enjoying a cup of coffee, and reading the daily newspaper can provide you the same amount of happiness and peace. Maybe enjoying a nice dinner with your spouse or starting a new hobby — those are what make a happy retirement, and they cost next to nothing.  

Tip No. 2: Make health a priority  

You can't control your genetics, which is a big part of how your health will hold up in retirement. However, you can make sure you’re actively working on your health as you begin a new chapter in your life. If you plan on moving to a new place when you retire, the first consideration would be distance. That place up in the mountains or on a secluded beach may have magnificent views, but how long will it take you to get to a doctor's office? Next is the quality of care, who might need constant care if they have a preexisting condition, such as high blood pressure or mobility issues. Do the Due diligence to be sure you're confident in the specialists of your area? Find a sport or activity that you like. Frankly, any exercise is better than none. If you're healthy and can afford it, do them — because, at some point, you will have some health issues that will keep you from doing it. 


Tip No. 3: Relationships matter  

People are social animals, and people who live in isolation typically don't live as long or as happily as those who get out and socialize. Oftentimes some elders who have an abundant social life tend to live longer than those who are more isolated, too. Did you know older adults with a substantial social life often live longer than those who isolated themselves? If you decide to move to a new place when you retire, it would be advised to visit frequently beforehand, so you don't feel alone. Also, take into consideration in looking to platforms that cater to seniors online. As with everything in life, it is beneficial to do your research before participating in these activities. But it is a great alternative to meeting new people.  


Tip No. 4: Hone your vision  

One of the best ways people can save for retirement is to create a detailed list of what they actually want from it. By partaking in this planning process, it can often result in an immediate increase in retirement savings. It’s best to talk about your vision can even help you understand why you might be nervous about retirement. Some people often fear retiring, for example, if they had a parent whose life turned worse after beginning retirement. It’s best to acknowledge those negative thoughts and try your hardest to get them out of your head before you retire. Your vision of retirement must also gel well with the vision of a spouse or partner, so there’s no confusion.  


Tip No. 5: Find your purpose  

It would help if you felt like you have a reason for living after retirement to find true happiness. But now that we live in a world where golf season is and bingo night is not easily accessible as before, you start to wonder why you even retire? In earlier societies, people matured into distinct roles. Unfortunately, in today’s modern world, that's no longer the case, so it’s best to plan your own purpose. What do you deem as important? Do you want to make your local community better? Retirement can be the freedom to do what you always wanted to do but never had the chance to do. 

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