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Senior Tip of the Week—Continue to Try New Things for Lifelong Learning

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Whether it pertains to stairlifts or not, when Acorn Stairlifts says that we care about our customers and their well-being, only wanting to give them the best, we mean it.

This also applies to our customers’ overall quality of life.

We want you to lead the healthiest, happiest, and most fulfilling lives possible. We want to see you succeed and reach new heights not only in mobility and independence but in all areas of their lives.

Without further ado, welcome back to “Acorn Stairlifts Tip of the Week,” a series in which we will equip seniors with all the knowledge, tools, and helpful advice that they need to succeed in their lives—ranging anywhere from physical health, to saving money with senior discounts, and just about everything in between.

Read on to learn how to live your life to the fullest by branching out and trying new things. 

The Acorn Stairlifts Senior Tip of the Week

Continue to explore the world, learn new things, and try new things, even when you feel like you’ve done it all.

Seniors are often regarded as the wisest of all, and while that may be true, no matter how wise someone may be, not one single person in the world knows everything

Learning is not a one-and-done experience—No matter how old you are, how experienced you are, or how many books you’ve read, there is always something you don’t know out there to learn and exciting, new adventures that you’ve yet to have experienced awaiting you.

Don’t let the spark of your passion and curiosity dim into darkness. Continue exploring the world and all of its wonders, mystery, and beauty. The possibilities of what you can accomplish and experience in this world and the ways in which you can choose to live your life are truly limitless.

Scientifically, How Does Trying Something New Improve the State of Your Mental Health?

Not only does lifelong learning and trying new things enrich your life with fascinating knowledge and an accumulation of unique experiences but it is also scientifically proven to improve the state of your mental health.

How is this? Well, it all stems from the chemical composition of our brains.

There is a region located in our midbrain that is called the substantia nigra, also known as the ventral segmental area or SN/VTA.

Linked to the hippocampus and the amygdala, both of which play big roles in memory and learning, the substantia nigra is the “novelty center” of the brain that is responsible for responding to new stimuli.

When we are introduced to new stimuli, whether we’re doing something new or seeing something new, the substantia nigra is activated.

Activating this system will then consequently trigger dopamine pathways.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, often referred to as the “feel-good hormone" because it is part of our reward system and causes us to feel pleasure.

Thus, when the substantia nigra is activated, triggering the dopamine pathways, we feel good and rewarded.

This is why learning something new and doing something you’ve never done before feel so exhilarating, rewarding, and liberating.

The Physiological and Psychological Benefits of Learning or Trying Something New

We can all agree that feeling good is a positive thing, but it turns out that, beyond this, there are several other benefits that come with learning or trying new things.

The following positive effects are just a few of many that you can expect to experience every time that you choose to take a chance or step out of your comfort zone:

  • Improved mood
  • Increased happiness
  • Improved memory
  • Feeling more in touch with yourself
  • Boosted self-confidence and sense of purpose
  • Improved brain health
  • Stimulation of creativity
  • Improved problem-solving skills
  • Decrease in boredom
  • Improved motivation
  • Increases your mental flexibility
  • Helps you foster social connections with others
  • Increased adaptability and agility to acquire new skills
  • Helps you overcome your fears
  • You may discover new talents that you didn’t know you had

What are Some Ideas of New Things That You Can Learn or Try as a Senior?

Exciting, New Activities and Experiences to Try

  • Travel to a country that you’ve never been to
  • Take up hiking
  • Try food that you’ve never eaten before
  • Attend a music concert
  • Try birdwatching
  • Start solving puzzles and playing board games
  • Start gardening
  • Get into Photography
  • Attend a yoga session
  • Get into physical health and fitness
  • Go on a fishing trip
  • Go wine tasting
  • Start writing in a journal
  • Volunteer

Intriguing, New Skills and Knowledge to Learn

  • Learn a new language
  • Take a creative writing course
  • Sign up for singing lessons
  • Learn how to draw
  • Take a painting class
  • Learn how to play an instrument
  • Find out and practice how to knit or crochet
  • Master your technology skills
  • Learn how to dance
  • Take an online course on a subject that you’ve always been curious about
  • Learn how to cook or bake
  • Attend pottery classes
  • Brush up on your financial literacy
  • Learn how to solve simple or complicated math equations

Explore, Experience, and Enjoy—Live Your Life to the Fullest

Remember that it is never too late in your life to have dreams, goals, and ambitions.

These new experiences provide a fresh perspective on life, transforming every day into an exciting opportunity for growth and enjoyment.

The sky is the limit, so continue to love, laugh, learn, and live each day of your life to the fullest!

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

Arthritis Foundation logo