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Senior Tip of the Week—Boost Up Your Self-Confidence by Staying Stylish and Feeling Fabulous

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Whether it pertains to stairlifts or not, when Acorn Stairlifts says that we care about our customers and their well-being, only wanting to give them the best, we mean it.

This also applies to our customers’ overall quality of life.

We want you to lead the healthiest, happiest, and most fulfilling lives possible. We want to see you succeed and reach new heights not only in mobility and independence but in all areas of their lives. 

Without further ado, welcome back to “Acorn Stairlifts Tip of the Week,” a series in which we will equip seniors with all the knowledge, tools, and helpful advice that they need to succeed in their lives—ranging anywhere from physical health, to saving money with senior discounts, and just about everything in between.

Read on to learn how you can start looking and feeling your best by staying stylish as a senior.

The Acorn Stairlifts Senior Tip of the Week

Gain confidence and boost your self-esteem by taking pride in your appearance as a senior.

Society often tells us that fashion or striving to look your best isn’t important when you reach a certain age, giving the impression that older people have to dress a certain way, wear their hair a certain way, dull down their look, and in some cases, not even care about the way they look at all.

However, the truth is that fashion has no age.

Just like younger people, older people deserve the right to limitlessly express themselves, value their appearance, take care of themselves, and have confidence and high self-esteem in the way they look.

Why Could Looking Your Best as a Senior Be Even More Important Than When You’re Younger?

When seniors are happy with their appearance, it can have a beneficial impact on their overall health and well-being.

In fact, feeling and looking your best when you’re older might be even more important than when you’re younger, as it allows seniors to sustain a sense of independence, improve their mood, engage in mental and cognitive stimulation, and maintain their individuality and sense of self.

All of these positive effects lead to an overall brighter outlook on aging and life, which can actually improve your health and even extend your lifespan. 

Clothing and Style Tips Every Senior Should Know to Look and Feel Their Best

Wear What Makes You Feel Happy and Confident

Being beautiful isn’t just about what you look like on the inside—True beauty radiates from the inside out, and this starts with confidence and happiness.

Confidence often radiates positivity, self-assuredness, freedom of expression, and self-love—And what could possibly be more beautiful than that? When you're confident, you exude an air of self-belief that can be attractive and appealing to others.

Remember that staying stylish as a senior isn’t about dulling down looks or changing who you are or what you like.

It is about having the courage to fully and unabashedly express yourself in a way that allows you to look and feel your absolute best—And feeling your best is the first step to looking your best.

No matter what earrings or hat you choose to wear, never forget that you’re never truly dressed without a smile.

Don’t Be Afraid to Try Something New

Have you always loved the color red but never believed you could pull it off or have secretly been wanting to go blonde for years? Do you really like leopard print but are afraid that it’s too daring or comes off as attention-seeking?

Let go of all those fears. Life is too short to not allow yourself to enjoy all of the things you love. There’s no time like the present, and now is the perfect time to do it.

Remember that fashion is never right or wrong. Rather, it’s a way to freely express all of the unique characteristics of what makes you, you. It’s owning your style and having the confidence to fearlessly fill up space, unapologetically be yourself, and courageously command a room.

After all, fashion is all about expressing yourself, having fun, and most importantly, feeling good in your own skin.

Take Comfort into Consideration

You know how they say that “beauty is pain?” Well, it certainly doesn’t have to be!

Staying stylish isn’t just about how clothing looks—It's equally important, if not more so, to take into consideration how comfortable you feel while wearing it. 

The fabric you choose can greatly affect how comfortable the clothing feels against your skin. Confidence is one of the most important puzzle pieces to looking and feeling your best, so how comfortable you feel can drastically influence this, as well as your overall mood and happiness.

For example, you are less likely to exude confidence and happiness when you are stuck in an irritatingly itchy blouse at your granddaughter’s piano recital or sweating bullocks at an outdoor wedding, strangled by the thick turtleneck that is suffocating you.

Important factors to consider when choosing fabrics include the weather and breathability of the material, allergies or sensitivities to specific materials, the intended purpose of the garment, and the different levels of care that certain fabrics may require.

Comfort matters. You don’t have to compromise. You can find clothes that look good on you, show off your personality, are functional for everyday life, AND feel comfortable.

Keep Up with Your Hygiene

This may seem like an obvious statement, but practicing proper hygiene greatly impacts not only how good you look, but how good you feel.

In fact, studies show that the behavior of not adhering to adequate hygienic care is often linked to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, isolation, shame, and low self-esteem.

Even quick and simple tasks such as bathing, brushing your teeth, shaving, applying deodorant, trimming your fingernails, changing into clean clothes, and brushing your hair can drastically improve your self-esteem and boost your overall mental health.

Beyond improving your mental health, practicing proper hygiene also strengthens the immune system, which naturally weakens in old age, by avoiding the bombardment of preventable infections in the body. Proper hygiene helps protect you from illnesses, diseases, and infections, allowing you to better pay attention to any bodily condition or function that is out of the ordinary, as noticing the problem early on and receiving prompt medical care can prevent the medical condition from progressing before it is too late.

Finally, humans are hardwired to find physical signs of good health attractive such as white teeth, fit bodies, tamed hair, clean clothes, and a fresh bodily scent, and can we blame them?

After all, what could be sexier than sparkling pearly whites, fresh, minty breath, and neatly combed hair that smells like blooming, delicate roses? 

For as long as we continue to exist, healthiness will always be one of the factors that is most attractive to us, never going out of style.

Switch it Up—How to Find and Flaunt Your Own Senior Style

Do you want to start looking and feeling your best as a senior but don’t know where to start?

Click here to read tips on how you can switch up your style and strut your stuff as a senior.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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