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Senior Tip of the Week—Remember to Regularly Exercise at Any Age

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Whether it pertains to stairlifts or not, when Acorn Stairlifts says that we care about our customers and their well-being, only wanting to give them the best, we mean it.

This also applies to our customers’ overall quality of life.

We want you to lead the healthiest, happiest, and most fulfilling lives possible. We want to see you succeed and reach new heights not only in mobility and independence but in all areas of their lives.

Without further ado, welcome back to “Acorn Stairlifts Tip of the Week,” a series in which we will equip seniors with all the knowledge, tools, and helpful advice that they need to succeed in their lives—ranging anywhere from physical health, to saving money with senior discounts, and just about everything in between.

Read on to learn why exercise is important at any age, but especially for older people.

The Acorn Stairlifts Senior Tip of the Week

No matter what your age, health conditions, or physical limitations are, remember to exercise regularly for optimal health and well-being.

It should come as no surprise that exercise is an important piece of the puzzle in taking care of yourself that has significant health benefits to the mind, body, and heart, no matter what physical condition you are in or how old you are.

However, it is a common misconception that as we continue to grow older, life is supposed to slow down to a snail’s pace where we get a free pass from engaging in any form of exercise, guiltlessly swapping afternoon walks with afternoon naps.

How Much Exercise is Enough to Reap Full Health Benefits?

It is recommended that adults from ages 18 to 65, should be doing at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activities or at least 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobics per week.

For adults over the age of 65, the same recommendations are true, except older adults should also be adding exercise that emphasizes functional balance and strength training at moderate or greater intensity, on 3 or more days a week, to enhance functional capacity and to prevent falls.

Benefits of Regular Exercise for Seniors

Regular exercise provides several benefits to any and everyone.

However, it is even more beneficial for seniors, a demographic that already struggles with health conditions such as deteriorating muscle mass, lack of balance, increased fatigue, a weaker immune system, and is more susceptible to injuries.

Here are some of the benefits that you can expect to experience when regularly exercising that are especially important for seniors:

  • Prevents bone loss
  • Helps relieve osteoarthritis pain
  • Helps relieve Arthritis pain
  • Improves bone density
  • Improves mood
  • Helps with weight loss or weight maintenance
  • Boosts self-esteem and confidence
  • Helps fight against cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia
  • Improves focus
  • Boosts immunity
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Reduces the risk of illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, many types of cancer, and diabetes
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Prevents cognitive decline
  • Improves healing
  • Improves overall mental health
  • Increases flexibility, loosening stiff bones, muscles, and joints
  • Improves mood
  • Helps prevent chronic diseases or health issues
  • Helps reduce depression and anxiety
  • Prevents dangerous falls
  • Reduces rates of acute respiratory infections
  • Improves quality of life
  • Increases lifespan

What Are Some Examples of Effective Exercises That I Can Do?

When we think of working out, we often tend to think of a sweaty, muscular man lifting heavy weights in the gym or an incredibly fit woman who is a disciplined athlete and pops out of bed at 5 am every morning to run a mini marathon.

However, exercising does not have to be that intense in order for you to start seeing results. You don’t have to run, jump, bench heavy weights, or overexert yourself to experience the benefits of exercise.

There are several options of effective exercise to choose from that are realistic, have minimal impact or stress on your body, and do not cause you to pass out from exhaustion.

Here are just a few of the many ways to safely get your heart pumping and work up a sweat:

  • Walking
  • Resistance training with bands
  • Exercises with dumbbells such as bicep curls or tricep extensions
  • Swimming
  • Tai Chi
  • Indoor cycling
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Water aerobics
  • Stretching
  • Light, simple dancing
  • Controlled body weight workouts such as squats to a chair or step-ups

I Have Limited Mobility—How Can I Exercise?

Do you or a loved one have limited mobility that makes exercise more difficult or restricts the types of physical activity you are able to participate in?

Click here to read how you can still effectively exercise, despite your mobility limitations.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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