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How to Clean Up as a Senior— 6 House Cleaning Tips for a Squeaky-Clean Space

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Labored breathing. Itchy, irritated skin. Aggravated allergies. Throbbing headaches. Depression. Oozing infections. Irritability. Weight gain.

Though it may be hard to believe, all of these unpleasant symptoms are just some of the aftermath effects of living in a dirty home environment.

Cleanliness is not just a suggestion—It is a necessity to our health and well-being that protects our bodies from harmful substances such as bacteria, dust, and fungal spores that can make us seriously sick. 

Consequently, for seniors who already suffer from greater health complications and struggle with a higher susceptibility to infection and disease due to their weaker immune systems, cleanliness is that much more vital to their health.

Read on to learn 6 house cleaning tips for seniors that will help keep your home a healthy haven rather than an infected infirmary. 

6 Helpful Hacks for Keeping a Clean Home

1. Don’t Sweep it Under the Rug—Start Small and Split it Up

When you continue to “sweep your responsibilities under the rug,” that pile of dirty dishes spilling out of your sink onto the counter, mountain of dirty clothes, and burnt buildup of last week’s dinner on the stove can suddenly seem stressful and impossible to tackle all at once.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed and like you don’t know where to start, take a deep breath and clear your mind. Don’t look at the mess as a whole or as one big task. Instead, direct your focus and energy towards just one cleaning task.

Set a goal for yourself. For example, you can start with something small like cleaning the counter. Once you’ve cleaned the counter, set another goal for yourself such as taking out the trash. Next, focus on sweeping and so on.

Splitting up the workload into sections, tackling one task at a time, feels much more feasible and less stressful than attempting to clean everything all at once.

2. Rinse and Repeat—Keep On top of Your Chores by Cleaning Consistently

Humans are naturally creatures of habit, from the go-to snack we always reach for when we’re hungry, to the time of the day that we begin to get sleepy before hitting the sack.

This is why it is vital that you aim for routine and consistency with cleaning, as this repetition can help you stay on top of your chores and prevent the stress that comes with mess.

Develop the habit of setting aside just a few minutes to clean every day. You can even assign certain chores to certain days, if you prefer, such as: Mopping Mondays, Trash Tuesdays, Washing Wednesdays, Toilet Thursdays, etc.

Another cleaning hack that can significantly cut down on your cleaning time and stress is to clean as you go, rather than putting the task off until “later.”

For example, instead of facing the dreaded task of cleaning the entirety of the disastrous kitchen after cooking, you can peacefully sit down at the table to eat, while still leaving behind a sparkling clean kitchen.

How is this possible? It’s actually quite simple. Are you using a bowl to mix? Once you pop that mixture into the oven, use that time to clean the bowl, cooking utensils, and wipe down the counters in the meantime. As soon as you are finished with a dish or cooking utensil, wash it or pop it into the dishwasher. Consistently clean the counter surfaces as you go.

Once you’re finished cooking and it’s time to eat, rather than leaving behind a mess that you’re too tired to clean and will end up being put off, you will leave behind a neat and tidy kitchen.

3. Freshen Up —Swap Out Old Cleaning Supplies and Tidying Tools with More Useful Ones

Cleaning is hard enough as it is, so why make it harder on yourself by using old and outdated cleaning supplies and tools?

As a senior, you might require tools that are lightweight and easy to maneuver, or those with ergonomic handles that provide a comfortable grip. By buying new equipment, you can cater to your specific needs and avoid any pain, discomfort, or injury when cleaning.

Additionally, newer cleaning supplies and tools are often designed with improved features, making them more efficient in their intended task with less effort required from you. For seniors especially, these modern cleaning tools are particularly beneficial, significantly reducing the physical strain and effort required to clean and tidy their living spaces.

Thanks to the advancement of technology, now there are even cleaning devices that require no exertion from you whatsoever—Like robotic vacuum cleaners that can clean and clear you floor of crumbs, leaving it shiny and spotless while you kick off your shoes and take it easy.

Not only do new cleaning supplies provide countless benefits that transform the chore of cleaning into a cinch, but upgrading to newer tools ensures that they are in good working condition, thus reducing the risk of serious accidents or injuries.

Conversely, attempting to use the old cleaning supplies and tools collecting dust in your closet can quickly become a safety hazard. Old machinery may have worn out or damaged parts, which can pose safety risks, especially for seniors who may have reduced mobility or strength.

4. Air Your Dirty Laundry—Be Aware of Your Limitations and Stay Safe

Speaking of senior safety, cleaning should never be a chore that puts your life in danger. As individuals age, naturally, their cleaning and tidying capabilities and needs may change—Tasks that you performed easily during your 20s can easily become difficult, and sometimes even dangerous.

Be honest with yourself. What tasks do you struggle with? Realistically, are you able to muster through the pain of your aggravated arthritis when gripping a broom while sweeping? Could a slippery fall while mopping cause a major injury? Are you stable enough to stand on a stepping stool when drying and putting your dishes away on the highest shelf?

Being aware of our limitations and staying away from them helps keep us safe, shielding us from potential danger.

5. Come Clean—Ask for Help from Friends and Family

Regardless of age, cleaning is a taxing task for anyone, both physically and emotionally.

However, it is even more taxing specifically for seniors who already struggle with health complications that may limit their mobility, minds, or range of motion such as arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, or Alzheimer’s Disease.

As much as we may want to assert our autonomy over all areas of our lives, no one can do everything alone—The importance of your health and safety far outweighs the satisfaction of managing to replace the overhead light in the kitchen without falling off the ladder.

The friends and loved ones in our lives are there for us to lean on in times of need and support us when we need them most. They love you, and more than anything, they just want to see you healthy and happy.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it—or even when you have the slightest doubt about the security of your safety.

Ask your neighbor if they can come over and replace that hard-to-reach light bulb for you. Give your daughter a call to come and sweep and vacuum the dining room for you. Get your grandson to mow the lawn and tend to the garden.

Remember that we all need help at one point or another. When it comes down to your health and well-being, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

6. Make a Clean Break—Look into Hiring House Cleaning Services Near You

If you feel uncomfortable asking your friends or families to help out with the cleaning and are capable from a financial standpoint, you can always consider the option of hiring a cleaning service or person near you. There are several advantages that come with opting for this choice.

First and foremost, professional cleaners have the knowledge, skills, and experience to clean homes efficiently and effectively. With their expertise, cleaners can deliver high-quality results in less time, as they are equipped with the right tools, techniques, and cleaning products to tackle various cleaning tasks.

Seniors may have health conditions that make certain cleaning tasks challenging or risky, whether from health conditions or limited mobility. For example, individuals with respiratory issues may struggle with dusting or using strong cleaning chemicals, as these substances can further aggravate their condition. By hiring a professional cleaner, you can ensure that your home is cleaned thoroughly without having to compromise your health.

Furthermore, a house cleaner ensures that your home receives consistent cleaning on a schedule that works for you. Regular cleaning can become challenging for seniors due to factors such as mobility issues, health fluctuations, or caregiving responsibilities. However, by receiving professional services, seniors can rely on the cleaner to maintain a clean, healthy, and comfortable living environment, regardless of the situation or circumstances.

Finally, cleaning a home can be flat-out time-consuming and exhausting. Hiring a house cleaner frees up a senior’s time and energy to engage in the things that really matter in life—Spending precious time with friends and family, developing hobbies, socializing, pursuing their passions, and participating in activities that ultimately bring them joy and fulfillment.

How an Acorn Stairlift Allows You to Enjoy ALL of Your Clean, Beautiful Home

One of the most important parts of living a healthy and happy life as a senior is being able to freely move about and enjoy all parts of your home, from top to bottom, both inside and outside. Another is having the mobility needed to pursue your passions and never miss out on participating in activities with your loved ones.

That’s where Acorn Stairlifts comes in.

Acorn’s variety of stairlift models for indoor, outdoor, curved, and straight staircases allow you and your loved ones to remain mobile and independent, having full access to all parts of your home from the top floor to the backyard.

No longer will you have to depend on someone else to assist you with going up or down the stairs. An Acorn stairlift gives you the freedom and independence to live life on your own schedule, coming and going as you please both inside and outside of your home, all while making precious memories with the ones who matter most.

Contact Acorn today to claim your free, no-obligation home stairlift quote and survey. Allow Acorn Stairlifts to lift your life with a stairlift—Start living your life to the fullest.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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