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Acorn Stairlifts Fact of the Week—How Acorn Changes a Life Every 8 Minutes

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Welcome back, once again, to Acorn Stairlifts Fact of the Week, a segment in which Acorn shares one out of the many cool facts about our world-class stairlift company.

This week, we will be sharing one of our most impressive facts with you that we are proudest of here at Acorn.

Our Acorn Stairlifts Fact of the Week

An Acorn stairlift is being installed somewhere around the world every 8 minutes.Senior shaking hands with acorn installer

Did you know that Acorn Stairlifts changes a life every eight minutes?

That is because every eight minutes, somewhere in the world, one of Acorn’s stairlifts is being installed into someone’s home. Every eight minutes, one more person breaks free from the bondage of fear, dependency, and immobility.

Here at Acorn Stairlifts, we don’t consider ourselves just the world’s top stairlift company. We know we are much more than that.

Acorn’s mission is not just to manufacture and sell stairlifts. Acorn strives to improve the overall quality of our customers’ lives by helping them regain their mobility, independence, and confidence, doing so with the help of our high-quality stairlifts and service.

Acorn’s Mobility Mission—Why Do We Do What We Do?

We’ve already told you the many reasons why you should lift your life with one of Acorn’s life-changing stairlifts—from our in-house manufacturing, to our dependable and friendly customer service, to our impeccable product quality—but, what is the reason why Acorn Stairlifts cares so much about providing the best stairlifts and service? The answer is simple. It’s because of you.

The core of the company Acorn Stairlifts revolves around the mission of providing mobility, independence, freedom, and confidence to people all over the globe with the help of our high-quality stairlifts. With such a high number of people around the world who suffer from some type of mobility impairment, disability, or the natural effects that come with the aging process, Acorn wants to lend a helping hand, helping them reach new heights.

This mobility mission is the driving force of why we set out to be the best stairlift company in the world. We want to lift as many lives as possible to the level that they deserve—only the best.

Let Us Help You Reach New Heights—Contact Acorn Stairlifts Today

If you or a loved one struggle to use the stairs or find yourselves avoiding them altogether, a stairlift will help you rise above these obstacles, granting you full access to the home you love in one seamless, sweeping motion.

Don’t miss out on reaching new heights—Allow Acorn to change your life, granting you freedom, independence, mobility, and confidence.

Click here to claim your free, no-obligation quote and learn how you can take the first step towards lifting your life today.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

Arthritis Foundation logo