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5 “Kneed-to-Know" Knee Facts: How Acorn Stairlifts Relieve Your Knee Pain

12:00am & Health

Our knees bear the weight of our bodies every day, allowing us to walk, jump, run, and climb up and down long, winding staircases. However, the daily stress that our knees sustain does not come without consequences or complications, especially in older age.

Read on to learn 5 “kneed-to-know" facts about your knees, as well as how Acorn can help save you from the physical and mental stress of a steep staircase, keeping your knees in top-notch condition.

5 Facts About Knees That Everyone Should Know

1. The knee is the largest and most complicated joint in the body.

The knee is not only the largest joint in the body, but it is also one of the most complicated. Comprised of a combination of several bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments, the knee is a hinged joint that is designed for complicated movements such as bending, rolling, and rotating. In fact, out of more than 250 species of primates, only one of them goes around on two legs, and that’s us—humans.

The reason that we are able to do this with ease is thanks to our knees, which allow us to fully extend and lock our legs. This is why chimps can only walk on two legs for short periods of time before resorting back to four legs. Their lack of kneecaps means that in order to stand upright, they must use a huge amount of muscle power to support their body weight, which results in them rocking back and forth in the process. Our knees are an impressive component of our anatomy that sets us apart from other species and allows us to accomplish amazing things every day. 

2. Kneecaps are unique to each person and can actually be used for identification.

Like irises and fingerprints,  studies have shown that kneecaps are unique to each individual and could actually be a successful way to identify people through an MRI scan. According to the researchers, the initial tests of the system were 93 percent accurate. Furthermore, the researchers believe that coupled with other factors such as possession of the correct passport, being in the right place at the right time, iris recognition, and signature analysis, MRI scans of kneecaps could be used to prevent deception and fraud in airports or in general.Knee Pain

3. Knees are one of the most stressed joints in your body, making them prone to injury.

Besides the fact that knees are one of the most complicated joints in the body, knees are also one of the most stressed joints in the body, taking 1.5 times your body weight walking on flat ground, 2 to 3 times your body weight when going up or down the stairs, and 4 to 5 times your body weight when squatting down to pick up a dropped item or to tie your shoelaces. The complexity of the knee’s anatomy and range of motion, combined with the stress that they sustain on a daily basis, make the knees especially prone to injury.

4. People of any age can experience knee pain.

Although you’re more likely to experience knee pain in older age simply from the wear and tear that your knees experience over the course of your life, the truth is that people of any age can experience knee pain. Some of the most common causes of knee pain include being overweight (remember that your knees can bear up to 5 times your body weight, so even 10 pounds of weight loss can make a huge difference), wear and tear from everyday use, additional stress from jumping and squatting on people who play high-impact sports, injuries, and arthritis.

5. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, and knees are commonly affected.

In the U.S alone, more than 58.5 million people have some form of arthritis or similar conditions that affect the joints. The most common form of arthritis, Osteoarthritis, affects 32.5 million U.S adults and most often causes problems in the knees, hips, and small joints of the hands.

Osteoarthritis is a form of arthritis in which the protective cartilage on the ends of the bones breaks down, in turn causing pain, swelling, and problems when moving the joint. In cases with severe loss of cartilage, the bones can even begin to rub against each other, altering the shape of the joint and even forcing the bones out of their normal positions. As one might imagine, Osteoarthritis, or really any form of arthritis, can turn even simple, everyday tasks into difficult, painful experiences. This is where an Acorn stairlift can sweep in to save the day, as well as your knees.

Put Your Knee Joint Pain at Ease with an Acorn Stairlift

Acorn’s high-quality stairlifts lift the stress from your knees and mind, allowing you to glide with ease up and down the staircases that were once obstacles in your home. As the only stairlift company in the world to earn the Arthritis Foundation’s Ease-of-use Commendation in all models of our products, Acorn stairlifts were designed with the millions of people that suffer from arthritis and/or knee pain in mind, as well as anyone who wishes to reclaim their independence and mobility.

This award, given to us from a panel of arthritis experts, was earned through extensive testing with our simulation subjects being nonother than real people living with arthritis. From opening the packaging of our product to taking a ride in our lift, the Arthritis Foundation determined that every step of the product testing was not only manageable for people with Arthritis, but was easy-to-use, even for people suffering from a severe form of the disease.

Whether you are looking for a stair lift for your indoor, outdoor, curved, or straight staircases, Acorn can help you find the solution to tackling even the most challenging of staircases with our variety of stairlift models, granting you full access to the home that you love. 

Stop putting excessive stress on your knees, and contact Acorn today to get your free, no-obligation home survey and stairlift quote.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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