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Why Should You Invest in Your Stairlift?

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Why Should You Invest in Your Stairlift? 

You’ve already done all the hard work. You compared all of the costs of stairlifts, different stair lift models, and stairlift services on the market, and you made the smart decision to get your stairlift straight from the global leader in the industry. You made the life-changing decision to go with Acorn Stairlifts! You are now a proud Acorn stairlift owner and are loving the new independence that you have gained. You can go up and down the stairs at will. From the foldable footrest, to the way it glides smoothly down your staircase, you love that you are able to access all your favorite spots in your home again. You’re independent, stress-free, and happier than ever.

Stair lifts at Acorn are the highest quality product on the market with unmatched stairlift service, manufactured in-house by experts and serviced by our installers and technicians. Now, how can you ensure that your stairlift servicing remains stress-free? Let us remind you about Acorn’s coverage options and how our plans will prolong your lift’s life.

How Coverage Helps Cut Back on Stairlift Costs

Here at Acorn, we are serious about your safety. Our stair lifts go through extensive testing and evaluations to ensure that they are top-notch quality. We do this so we can make sure our customers are safe and happy with their new service aid. When you buy an Acorn stairlift, you are getting the most competitive stairlift price, the best quality and service. That being said, it’s no surprise that no matter how superior or stable a product is, there is inevitably going to be some wear and tear that comes with everyday use.

This is why Acorn Stairlifts offers not only a manufacturer’s guaranteed coverage for your first 12 months, but also a range of coverage options that maintain your stairlift’s quality to keep more money in your bank. We want you to stay safe and spend wisely so that you will never have to worry about the condition of your stairlift.

What is the Manufacturer’s Guaranteed Coverage?

stairlift technician servicing stairlift in homeWhen you purchase your stair lift from Acorn, you automatically receive the manufacturer’s guaranteed coverage that lasts for 12 months, starting on the day that your stairlift is installed. This means that you get one free service visit in which our expert technicians will evaluate all of the components of your stairlift to make sure it is functioning to its highest capacity. If there are any parts that need to be replaced or minor tweaks that need to be fixed, Acorn will take care of you. Make sure that you give us a call before your year is up and schedule your annual service visit. You can also request your service visit through your Acorn Club account. Take advantage of all of the benefits Acorn offers our customers.

How to Continue Getting the Best Stairlift Prices Once Manufacturer's Guaranteed Coverage Ends

After your first year is complete, your stairlift is no longer covered, unless you choose to invest in one of Acorn’s annual service agreement coverage plans, which we highly recommend. Our three options include the one-star coverage plan, two-star coverage plan, and three-star coverage plan. The more stars your coverage plan has, the more you save on your stairlift servicing!

Our three-star plan has the best value, providing full coverage of all of the stairlift services you could ever need.

Everything our three-star plan includes:

  • Annual service
  • Attendance within 24 hours, in the event of a breakdown
  • Priority attention
  • Unscheduled call out: Included
  • Parts included

This means that you’ll never have to stress about stairlift servicing because you will have a stress-free plan that offers full coverage, in the event that something was to happen.

Stay Safe! Invest in Your Stair lift and Enroll in Your Coverage Plan Today

We all know that life can be unpredictable. Don’t wait until your independence and mobility are stalled again because you didn’t take the opportunity to invest in one of Acorn’s superior coverage plans. You deserve to be a priority, so give us a call today to learn more about preserving your mobility, as well as preserving the life-changing investment in your stairlift. Choose to stay safe and stress-free when you invest in one of our stairlift service plans.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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