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Arthritis Flare Ups During Winter Weather: Stifle the Pain with a Stairlift

12:00am & Health

While the arrival of winter often signifies the flurry of fun and excitement associated with the holidays, the dropping temperatures and changing atmospheric pressures may bring on some more unwelcome feelings such as joint pain, decreased range of motion, stiffness, redness, and inflammation—especially for the more than 350 million people in the world suffering from some form of arthritis.

In fact, osteoarthritis, a chronic form of arthritis in which cartilage is worn down, causing the bones to grind painfully against each other at the joints, is the single leading cause of disability in older adults. This problem continues to grow alongside the aging population, as well as the increased commonality of health factors that contribute to arthritis such as obesity. Even more concerning is the United Nation’s prediction that by 2050, 130 million people in the world will suffer from osteoarthritis. Of those 130 million, 40 million of these people will be severely disabled due to the disease, according to that same prediction.

Whether arthritis manifests itself as a throbbing pain in your wrists, a stiff spine, buckling ankles, a sharp, stabbing pain in your hips and shoulders, or creaking knees, these aches can be debilitating and disruptive to everyday life. Don’t let arthritis rob you of the daily joys you deserve to experience, especially during the excitement of the holiday season, such as watching your grandchildren tear open their presents on Christmas morning or greeting the carolers on your doorstep. Don’t let arthritis keep you isolated from your loved ones, paralyzed in pain during the long winter months.

Arthritis is Serious—Our Stairlift is the Solution

elderly man getting out of chair - arthritis pain Instead, Acorn Stairlifts invites you to lie back, relax, and kick up your feet while our stair lift relieves the pressure from your aching joints, delivering you to your destination in one smooth glide.

As the only stairlift company in the world to earn the Arthritis Foundation’s Ease-of-use Commendation in all models of our products, our stairlifts were designed with the millions of people that suffer from arthritis in mind, as well as anyone who wishes to reclaim their independence and mobility.

This award, given to us from a panel of arthritis experts, was earned through extensive testing with our simulation subjects being nonother than real people living with arthritis. From opening the packaging of our product to taking a ride in our lift, the Arthritis Foundation determined that every step of the product testing was not only manageable for people with Arthritis, but was easy-to-use, even for people suffering from a severe form of the disease.

Regardless if you need a lift for your long, winding staircase in the living room or the short, slippery slope of your outdoor porch steps, we have what you’re looking for and more. From our Acorn 130 Straight Stairlift to the Acorn 180 Curved Stairlift, we leave no step unturned, from outdoor to indoor use.

Don’t wait until you or your loved ones’ knees buckles under your weight on the steep staircase or until you’re a prisoner confined to the first floor of your home, awaiting bail. Acorn Stairlifts will always have your back, granting you freedom and full-access to the home you love.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

Arthritis Foundation logo