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Veterans Day 2021 - Honoring our Veterans

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Veterans Day is upon us and our team at Acorn Stairlifts wants to take a moment to acknowledge the brave men and women who have served. Your commitment to protecting our country and immense sacrifice does not go unnoticed.  Thank you for your service!

Veterans Day 2021 

Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11th every year; the anniversary of the end of World War I. Veterans Day 2021 falls on a Thursday and shares this day with the 100th Anniversary of the Tomb of the Unkown Soldier. This important historical procession honors all of those who served and lost their lives. For Veterans Day 2021, we encourage you to remind all the Veterans in your life of how grateful you are for their selflessness. 

Give Veterans Day Meaning and Provide Your Support 

As of 2021, there are nearly 18 million Veterans living among us nationwide. States such as Florida, Texas, and California house the largest Veteran populations in the country. Unfortunately, Veterans make up about 8 percent of the country’s homeless population. There are several ways in which you can give Veterans Day meaning and support your Veterans without leaving the comfort of your home! veteran's day 2021 - federal holiday

Organizations such as Operation Write Home, allow you to donate money or create your own cards to support the correspondence of the military so that they can bring letters home to their families. Since 2007, about 2 million cards have been sent overseas to our soldiers. Another way in which you can care for our military members is to donate your gently used clothes and household items. The Vietnam Veterans of America organization makes it easy to schedule a pick-up time in which they will come to you to pick up your items.  

Donations such as these are extremely helpful to Veterans as well as an exceptional way to upcycle your own unwanted goods. Giving back to those who gave so much gives Veterans Day meaning and helps keep the support for these heroes alive!  

Honor Those Close to You and in Your Community This Federal Holiday 

During this federal holiday, check-in with your local organizations to provide your support for your community directly. Events such as food drives, vehicle donation benefits and mental health alliance events are present in locations all over the nation and ramp up efforts during the federal holiday. 

If someone you know is a Veteran, remember to show your love and support for their efforts. A phone call, card or hug can show your honor and respect for those who have laid their lives on the line to provide us with the freedoms we typically take for granted.  



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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

Arthritis Foundation logo