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Buying New vs Re-conditioned Stairlifts 2021

12:00am & Tips and Advice

The more information you have the better you are at deciding the right choice. Stairlifts go by many names: Stair elevator, chair lifts, electric stair.

No matter the name the most important factor is that they are here to help you. The differences between a new vs re-conditioned stairlifts can affect the length of how long your machine works or if there needs to be work done on it.

New vs Re-Conditioned Stairlifts: Everything you need to know before you buy!

There are many different aspects to take into consideration before making this step towards independence. Re-conditioned stairlifts are pre-owned stairlifts that are disassembled and re-installed into your home. New stairlifts come straight from the manufacturer and are installed directly into your household. No matter which stairlift you choose, the freedom of taking back control in your home is the most liberating experience of them all. 

Purchasing New Stairlifts

new vs re-conditioned stairlifts - acorn stairlifts Installing a new stairlift into your home allows you to receive a product in new condition directly from the source. While a new stairlift may have a higher price point compared to a re-conditioned one, there is no previous wear on the motor and seat parts. Because of this, you should run into less technical issues and the need for servicing. Choosing a new stairlift also allows you the flexibility to customize your stairlift if you choose to. Choosing special accessibility controls is an option for you if you choose a brand new stairlift. On the other hand, re-conditioned stairlifts arrive the way the previous owner had intended and may not possess all the qualities you are looking for. Another benefit of choosing a new stairlift is that you receive warranty coverage on your lift as soon as you purchase it. Your stairlift will be covered from the beginning and you will not have to worry about expired coverage in the way you might have to with re-conditioned lifts.

Buying Re-Conditioned Stairlifts

While buying a new stairlift offers a lot of pro’s, there are a few benefits to buying a re-conditioned stairlift as well. Re-conditioned stairlifts are great for those individuals on a budget who are looking for a stairlift at a lower price point. A re-conditioned lift can save you some money on your purchase. However, the risk of over-use or damage on your stairlift is a potential consequence that will take some consideration before you buy. Individuals living in a rental property looking for a temporary stairlift installation may want to consider buying a re-conditioned lift. This way you are not agreeing to a long-term installation and can save money for your temporary situation. It is important to keep in mind that many companies do not provide a buyback program, so selling your stairlift is fashioned through a third-party seller. Yes, it is cheaper to buy a re-conditioned stairlift but you are also running the risk of reliability. It’s something to think about but the price you pay upfront for a refurbished stairlift does not come with a guarantee that they will come to fix any of the problems that might come with the re-conditioned stairlift. There is also the chance that the problems you have to pay for could come up to the price of a new stairlift.      

Choosing the best stairlift for your mobility needs is a huge decision! When it comes to buying a stairlift, you get what you pay for. Investing more money into your long-term independence will keep you satisfied and provide you with the freedom you desire. At Acorn Stairlifts, we provide stellar service for a perfect product that will last.

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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