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Scam Alert for Diabetics

12:00am & Tips and Advice

There have been reports of a recent scam going around currently targeting diabetics — more specifically older adults with diabetes and on Medicare. 

Scammers are calling seniors explaining that they are from a “diabetes association/organization,” offering free medical and diabetic supplies. In order to get these freebies, they ask for a Medicare number and financial information. 

If you are somebody who is receiving this call, or know of somebody who has been a victim of this, make sure to take steps to protect yourself from theses scam calls. 

Below are a few tips you can do to protect yourself from scammers as best as you can:

    - Contact the FTC and place your number on the Do Not Call Registry

    - Ask thorough questions to those who are trying to contact you that you do not know

    - Do not answer unknown numbers

    - Never give out your personal financial information

    - If getting contacted by via cell phone, consider a call-blocking app

For more information on how to protect yourself from potential scams, please visit here.




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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

Arthritis Foundation logo