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5 Ways to Reverse Feeling Lonely as a Caregiver

12:00am & Tips and Advice

Caring for someone is a rewarding experience and at the same time a major challenge both mentally and physically. Depending on the situation, it may lead to loneliness at certain times. There is also the high probability that a caregiver knows very well the sense of being left burdened by responsibilities of helping another. For people who are experiencing these, Sixty and Me shares 5 ways to overcome the situation:

Make a list of fun things to do. If you do have the opportunity to have time for yourself, treat yourself! Come up with a list on things that you would enjoy doing if you were not in the situation of caregiving, and then when that opportunity arises, do it! This list can include going to a movie, museum, and even visiting an old friend.

Start a new hobby or pick up an old one. Similar to making a list of things to do, try picking up a new or abandoned hobby. Whether it’s running, sewing, or reading, it is important to occupy your mind and distract yourself from the daily struggles of caregiving. 

Stay connected. Keeping in touch with important people in your life that you can voice your opinion to, share an experience with and extend encouragement are important in maintaining your well being. Aside from keeping your mind from what is bothering you or weighing you down, they can inspire and make you feel appreciated. Whether it’s a phone call or going to visit them for dinner, it’s important to cultivate these relationships.

Reach out to others who are caring for someone. More often than not, caregivers have a lot in common. Although it may feel like you’re alone in what you’re doing, you’re not! Seek out support groups to help you through your feelings and any problems that you may have. Having this circle can give you a sense of peace and reassurance that you can manage and can easily share your thoughts to a group of people who will understand.

Journal. Utilizing a journal can be used to record your feelings or act as a reminder for important appointments. Another way a journal is helpful is if there are changes in the person you’re caring for. Writing can be a great outlet to express and process your feelings and frustrations.

We all experience loneliness differently. These suggestions can be combined, modified and just be a simple source of inspiration for something totally new. 



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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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