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How much does a stairlift cost?

12:00am & Lifestyle

The most commonly asked question of anyone considering a stairlift is “how much will it cost?”

A quick search of the internet will soon show that most reputable stairlift companies do not quote ‘flat rate’ figures for the cost of a stairlift, and Acorn Stairlifts is no exception. The reason for this is simple – every staircase is different, so no two stairlifts are exactly the same or will cost the same.

It might be possible to quote a figure for a ‘typical’ straight stairlift fitted to an average 13-step straight staircase, but even that is problematic. Many straight staircases have doorways or tight spaces at the foot of the stairs where a standard stairlift rail might cause a trip hazard. Or they might have a ‘mini-landing’ at the top where a small modification is needed.

If we quoted a ‘standard price’ it would have to account for these possible modifications. Stairlifts which do not require any would actually cost less than the standard price, so it would be misleading and possibly off-putting. Some stairlifts which require particular modifications might cost a little more.

With curved stairlifts it is more difficult to give a ‘base price’ as these staircases can differ widely, each one needing a ‘made-to-measure’ solution. Achieving that solution is no problem with Acorn’s pioneering FastTrack® modular system for curved staircases, which means they can be fitted in just a few days after an order is placed. But the cost will be dictated by the unique dimensions and requirements of these staircases, and the individual needs of the stairlift user.

Again, every stairlift is different, so it is impossible to quote a ‘one-size-fits-all’ price. If you come across a company which appears to do this, be very careful to ensure that the price is inclusive. Some companies will quote an apparently low headline price to lure customers in, but that price does not include a range of hidden extras such as extra charges for any modifications or options, delivery and fitting costs, which then will bump up the true cost.

It’s easy to assume a company is being evasive by not saying upfront what its product costs, but in the case of stairlifts it is practically impossible to give a realistic quote without first assessing exactly what is required. Rather than being evasive, Acorn is open and honest in saying we simply cannot give a ‘standard price’ as there is no such thing as a standard stairlift.

But here’s the thing… finding out an exact price for your Acorn stairlift won’t cost you a dollar. If you’re considering investing in a stairlift, call us at 1-866-873-6574 to book your free, no-obligation home survey and quote. Your local Acorn surveyor will visit as soon as it’s convenient for you.

Our Acorn surveyor will carefully measure your staircase, taking note of any modifications that might be needed. For example, a frequent modification we see time and time again is a hinged rail section at the foot of the stairs, which can fold up and out of the way when not in use. Just as importantly, our surveyor will answer all your questions and talk to you to clearly establish the needs of the stairlift user. The safety of the person using the stairlift is the most important part of the equation, as the stairlift has to meet their needs.

Only after all the necessary information has been gathered will our surveyor be able to give you an accurate quote. To stress again, your Acorn home survey and quote is completely free and carries no obligation.

If you decide to go ahead and purchase an Acorn Stairlift, the price we quote is the price you’ll pay! There are no ‘hidden extras’ or additional costs. Furthermore, we won’t pressure you into making a snap decision.

As the world biggest company devoted solely to building, installing and maintaining home stairlifts, we manufacture more than 70,000 each year. We also sell directly to the public, so there are no ‘middlemen’ taking a cut. You’re paying for the product you receive, not the retailer’s high street showroom.

One final thing to bear in mind is that an Acorn Stairlift is an investment in maintaining or improving your daily quality of life and safeguarding your ongoing independence. It enables you to remain in the home you love and enjoy all levels of it. To find out more, give us a call today: 1-866-873-6574!

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The Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation

We are proud to be the very FIRST stairlift company to earn the Arthritis Foundation's Ease-of-Use Commendation. It is yet another effort that continues to prove that Acorn Stairlifts is a pioneer in the industry, always striving to stay ahead of the game, and to help our customers by providing the absolute best solution for their needs.

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