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Acorn Stairlifts USA Blog

Stay up to date with the latest stairlift news, lifestyle tips and health advice.
The Health Benefits of Yogurt

The Health Benefits of Yogurt

12:00am Aug 10, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Health

There are surprisingly good facts about eating yogurt. According to a study reported in the American Journal of Hypertension, a diet that includes yogurt can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease in people with high blood pressure. The results show that both men and women who included more yogurt in their diet had an average of 20% lower risk of developing coronary heart disease or a stroke. 

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Phase ll of Alzheimer

Phase ll of Alzheimer's Drug Shows Promise

12:00am Jul 30, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | News

Despite all the efforts that experts are putting in discovering a cure to Alzheimer’s throughout the years, achieving the goal to save lives proves to be challenging. However, there have been positive developments. In recent research, it has emerged and there could be a possible stop to the progression of Alzheimer’s.

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10 essential foods for seniors

10 essential foods for seniors

12:00am Jul 25, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Eating a well-balanced diet and having a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand when aiming to live a healthy life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 65% of diseases that seniors face is a result of not eating properly. Lack of nutrition causes a huge gap in nourishment essential to keeping the body in best condition. 

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Signs of dementia

Signs of dementia

12:00am Jul 19, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

According to the World Health Organization, there are about 50 million people worldwide who have dementia and each year almost 10 million diagnosed with it. But what is dementia? Dementia is a progressive disease that deteriorates every day cognitive functions such as memory, orientation, and comprehension.

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How much does a stairlift cost?

How much does a stairlift cost?

12:00am Jul 17, 2018 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Lifestyle

The most commonly asked question of anyone considering a stairlift is “how much will it cost?" A quick search of the internet will soon show that most reputable stairlift companies do not quote ‘flat rate’ figures for the cost of a stairlift, and Acorn Stairlifts is no exception. The reason for this is simple – every staircase is different, so no two stairlifts are exactly the same or will cost the same.

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