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Acorn Stairlifts USA Blog

Stay up to date with the latest stairlift news, lifestyle tips and health advice.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022: 6 Ways to Prevent, Recognize, and Address Elder Abuse

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2022: 6 Ways to Prevent, Recognize, and Address Elder Abuse

12:00am Jun 15, 2022 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Elder Abuse Awareness Day takes place on June 15 every year with the goal of raising awareness of the serious human rights issue concerning the abuse of senior citizens. By promoting a better understanding of what elder abuse is, what the signs are, and how to address it, we can come together as a society to put an end to elder abuse.

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How Acorn Can Take Your Life to the Next Level: 7 Surprising Facts About Our Stairlifts

How Acorn Can Take Your Life to the Next Level: 7 Surprising Facts About Our Stairlifts

12:00am Jun 09, 2022 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Stairlifts are life-changing devices that allow you to reach another level, both in your quality of life and home. However, you may be hesitant to take that first step towards independence and mobility simply because you are not sure of everything that a stairlift entails. Read on to learn 7 surprising facts about stairlifts and how Acorn can help you reach new heights with our diverse selection of high-quality lifts.

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