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Acorn Stairlifts USA Blog

Stay up to date with the latest stairlift news, lifestyle tips and health advice.
10 Apps Targeted for Seniors

10 Apps Targeted for Seniors

12:00am Mar 21, 2019 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Lifestyle

Nowadays it seems like there is an app for everything, whether you’re looking for the weather, games, or medication reminders, there is an app for it. Although some apps may seem too advanced for seniors to use, there are a surprising number of apps targeted to seniors and their lifestyle. Below a list of 10 apps that are useful for seniors and their loved ones.

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Tips for Safe Driving

Tips for Safe Driving

12:00am Feb 28, 2019 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Between making sure you are aware of others, yourself and hazards on the road, driving can be a dangerous task, and as we get older, the dangers and risks of accidents happening increases due to our slower reflexes and reaction time. Below are a few tips to help you stay as safe as you can on the road.

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Stroke Symptoms and Women

Stroke Symptoms and Women

12:00am Feb 20, 2019 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Health

There are certain stroke symptoms that occur in both men and women such as face drooping, slurred speech, feeling weaker on one side of your body and vision changes. Unfortunately for women, there are other signs of a stroke that may go unnoticed. Below are a list of subtle signs of a stroke that exist in women, and should seek medical help if you or someone you know are experiencing these symptoms.

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Boxing and Parkinson’s

Boxing and Parkinson’s

12:00am Feb 15, 2019 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Health

Parkinson’s is a disease of the central nervous system that affects movement and according to, more than 10 million people are living with parkinson’s worldwide. If you are someone who has Parkinson’s, you may experience tremors, cramping and some trouble with balance. Although there is no cure for it, research shows that boxing can help symptoms.

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