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Acorn Stairlifts USA Blog

Stay up to date with the latest stairlift news, lifestyle tips and health advice.
Staying in the Home You Love

Staying in the Home You Love

12:00am May 17, 2021 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Your house is home for a reason. Maybe you have spent years there or made some incredible memories to last a lifetime. Through the ups and downs, life brings, you've always had one constant; your home. As you age, you may be worried about the prospect of moving. Whether it is health-related or you are nervous about your mobility, there are plenty of resources and reasons to stay in the home you love.

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The Most Important Features to Consider When Buying a Stairlift

The Most Important Features to Consider When Buying a Stairlift

12:00am May 10, 2021 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Choosing to add a stairlift to your home can be a tough decision. Whether you or a loved one struggles with stability on the stairs or mobility throughout the house, a stairlift might be the best option. Adding a lift to your household could make a massive difference in the quality of life you lead, but making the right choice comes down to a few deciding factors.    

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Balancing As You Age

Balancing As You Age

12:00am Apr 26, 2021 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

It is no mystery that maintaining a balance is essential in life. It's practical to balance everything you do, whether it's how you eat or how much time you spend doing daily errands. Similarly, the balance and stability you utilize to remain mobile in your own home are equally critical. Maintaining or improving equilibrium will help minimize the likelihood of falling and being injured.

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How to Easily Build a Happy Retirement with These 5 Tips

How to Easily Build a Happy Retirement with These 5 Tips

12:00am Feb 17, 2021 | Admin - Acorn Stairlifts USA | Tips and Advice

Retirement is an ideal time for self-reflection. Life can tend to be hectic for our younger years of your life. Our energy is usually consumed by our professional life and home, with little time to truly get to know ourselves. Below, we discuss a few of the reasons why it’s important for seniors to get to know themselves and figure out their happiness during retirement. 

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